Orion à la ferme C4

Chapter 4 – Amiane and the animals which live on the farm


Amiane must rest. The journey was long and tiring for her.  However the  curious chicks, the calves, the ducklings, the foals want to invite them to discover the farm.

Don’t you work? Asks Amiane’s papa in surprise. Where we used to live, we had to work every day, all day until night time.

-No. It is winter. There is not much work at the farm. So we take advantage of this by eating and sleeping well and having great fun, explains the foal.

-Amiane, you can go and play with your new friends but be careful, says the mother.

-What’s wrong, asks the foal, you are dragging your hoof.

-I was born like this. I cannot run and play. That is why we are here. The farmer did not want to feed me and do anything.

-So then, we cannot have fun with you if you cannot run. Never mind. Stay with your parents and rest, says the foal who is not happy with Amiane.

-But I can walk even with a hard foot, begs Amiane.

-As you like, but not with me, says the foal.

-And not with us either, say the calves, pigs and the other foals.

Then the chicks and ducklings suggest  to Amiane a farm visit and Orion wants to participate. However, Amiane is sad and  returns to his parents who are also sad.

-Do not worry about it, says Orion, we can all visit the farm tomorrow. In the meantime,  here are some eggs and fresh grass, offers Ninan who is also a little sad.

-Now I am going to speak to the foal and the calves. I am not happy with them. Are you coming Orion?

-But the foal’s and the calves’ parents as well as the pig’s parents watch the new members with suspicion. Scrawny donkeys, a wobbly young female donkey – what on earth is this family doing here with us.


Children’s song: My grey horse, by Henri Dès

Farm animal sounds: the horse

Let’s learn the call of the horse: the neigh.